Edition: Paperback In stock Number of Pages 416 Price: 1295 Publisher: Oxford Publishers Pakistan's Foreign Policy 1947-2019 Fifth Edition by Abdul Sattar provides an in-depth analysis of Pakistan's diplomatic history,...
International Relations MCQs by M. Imtiaz Shahid is a focused study designed to help students cover key concepts in international relations through multiple-choice questions. Publisher: Advanced Publishers. CSS, PMS, COMPETITIVE...
Edition Hardcover In Stock Price: Rs.800 Publisher: Dogar Publisher The CSS International Relations Optional by Dogar Publishers is a complete resource for CSS candidates preparing for International Relations. This book...
Edition Paperback In Stock Price: Rs.500 Publisher: Advanced Publishers. International Relations Paper 2 by Halima Afridi is a comprehensive guide designed for CSS and other competitive exams. It provides an...
Edition Paperback In Stock Price: Rs.600 Publisher: ILMI International Relations by Syed Mohsin Raza is a comprehensive guide tailored to meet the needs of candidates preparing for competitive exams. It...
Edition Hard Cover In Stock Price: Rs.1500 Publisher: Dogar Publisher MA Political Science Part 2 in Urdu by Ahsan Ullah Saqib & Prof Muhammad Saleem Akhtar can be a rewarding...
Edition: Paperback In stock Number of pages: 384 Publisher: Time Duggan Books Price: 550 MBS: The Rise to Power of Mohammed Bin Salman by Ben Hubbard is a detailed biography...
Edition Paperback In Stock Price: Rs.1599 Publisher: World Times Essentials of International Relations by Kanwal Batool Naqvi is a thorough exploration of key international relations concepts, theories, and practices. The...
Edition Paperback In Stock Price: Rs.850 Publisher: World Times International Relations Paper 1 for CSS, PMS by Sajjad Haider is a specialized guide tailored for candidates preparing for the CSS...
Edition Paperback In Stock Price: Rs.800 Publisher: World Times World Times - International Relations Paper 2 is an important book for candidates preparing for CSS and PMS. This book provides...
International Relations MCQs by Zahid Aziz is a complete collection of MCQs covering a broad range of topics in international relations. Perfect for students and professionals preparing for exams or...
Edition: Paperback In stock Pages 424 Price 1200 Publisher: Jahangir World Times Advanced Pakistan Affairs by Muhammad Imtiaz Shahid is a detailed resource for those preparing for CSS, PMS and...
Edition: Paperback In stock No of Pages 373 Price: 800 Publisher: AH Publisher Foreign Policy of Pakistan by Muhammad Asif Malik is an essential resource for understanding Pakistan's international relations...