Coragen is globally the largest selling active ingredient of the globe. It is registered on more than 300 crops in 80 countries. Coragen helps conserve natural enemy populations and protects pollinators, supporting IPM programs. Coragen offers consistent control of codling moth, oriental fruit moth, navel orangeworm, peach twig borer and other pests in stone fruit, pome fruit, tree nuts, grapes and other crops. The larvicidal efficacy and long-lasting activity of coragen provide excellent crop protection, even when circumstances prevent optimal timing. Coragen works through ingestion, contact, ovicidal on certain species and ovi-larvicidal activity for excellent control. The key features of coragen are given underneath
International awards o “Hero’s of chemistry” by American chemical society o Top 100 innovations of the century o Safe chemistry by “World health organization”
1st insecticide of diamide group “Group 28” • Quickest action, in just 7 to 30 minutes insect feeding capability ends
Longest control duration of around 21-28 days
Safe for crop friendly insects
Relatively safe for farmer and environment
Disease/Pest: Armyworm, SBW american bollworm fruit borer leaf minor DBM, armyworm SBW and ABW codling moth Helicoverpa leaf minor ABW
Coragen is globally the largest selling active ingredient of the globe. It is registered on more than 300 crops in 80 countries. Coragen helps conserve natural enemy populations and protects pollinators, supporting IPM programs. Coragen offers consistent control of codling moth, oriental fruit moth, navel orangeworm, peach twig borer and other pests in stone fruit, pome fruit, tree nuts, grapes and other crops. The larvicidal efficacy and long-lasting activity of coragen provide excellent crop protection, even when circumstances prevent optimal timing. Coragen works through ingestion, contact, ovicidal on certain species and ovi-larvicidal activity for excellent control. The key features of coragen are given underneath
International awards o “Hero’s of chemistry” by American chemical society o Top 100 innovations of the century o Safe chemistry by “World health organization”
1st insecticide of diamide group “Group 28” • Quickest action, in just 7 to 30 minutes insect feeding capability ends
Longest control duration of around 21-28 days
Safe for crop friendly insects
Relatively safe for farmer and environment
Disease/Pest: Armyworm, SBW american bollworm fruit borer leaf minor DBM, armyworm SBW and ABW codling moth Helicoverpa leaf minor ABW