Brand: Jadeed Agro In stock Price: Rs.625 SKU No: 11110055 Delivery in 2 to 4 working days Copper Sulphate - Neela Thotha 500gm is versatile chemical compound commonly used in...
Brand: Jadeed Agro In stock Price: Rs.325 SKU No: 11110054 Delivery in 2 to 4 working days Copper Sulphate - Neela Thotha 250gm is versatile chemical compound commonly used in...
Brand: Jadeed Agro In stock Price: Rs.1200 SKU No: 11110042 Delivery in 2 to 4 working days Copper Sulphate - Neela Thotha 1kg is versatile chemical compound commonly used in...
Brand: Asia CropScience In stock Price: Rs.1380 SKU No: ACS1001003 Active Substance: Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin Target Crop: Potato, Wheat, Melon, Mango Features: Unique and powerful pre-mix fungicide Used to control scab and...
Brand: Asia CropScience In stock Price: Rs. 2550 SKU No: ACS1001002 Active Substance: Cymoxanil+Mancozeb Target Crop: Potato, Tomato, Mellon, Orchards Features: Fungicide with combined mode of action to control foliar fungal diseases...
Brand: Asia CropScience In stock Price: Rs.1375 SKU No: ACS1001001 Active Substance: Pyraclostrobin+Dimethomorph Target Crop: Potato, Cumcambur, Orchards Features: Unique and powerful pre-mix fungicide Systemic and translaminar action Strong synergistic effect Uniform...
Brand: FMC In stock Price: Rs.2425 SKU No: 11100068 FMC Cabriotop 300g is a high performance fungicide specifically formulated for the protection of crops against a broad spectrum of fungal...
Brand: FMC In stock Price: Rs.2360 SKU No: 11100065 FMC Katalyst 1L is a premium agricultural adjuvant designed to enhance the efficacy of herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. This 1 liter...
Brand: FMC In stock Price: Rs.150 SKU No: 11100075 FMC Yes! 50g is a high quality fungicide designed to protect crops from a variety of fungal diseases. This 50 gm...
Brand: FMC In stock Price: Rs.1450 SKU No: 11000056 Kumulus 80DF 1Kg Sulphur Crop: Apple, grapes, cucumber, melons DOSE/ACRE: 200 - 700 g 200 -300 g 200-400 g 200 -...
Brand: Orange In stock Price: Rs.930 SKU No: 11110062 Dunka is an absorbable fungicide. Which controls fungi both preventively and curatively. Dunka provides complete protection to the plant against diseases...